
Hmm... Its been way long.. LOL

I cant find the time to write in you most of the times. I will write whenever I'm free XD
Alright, things so far... Hmm...
THE ZOOOOO!!! Its damn hot but fun loh... I went to the zoo with Amanda and Wati. LoL... There were so many stuff at the zoo that changed. Example would be there was no more Butterfly Aviary... It was sad, I liked that place... We explored every single corner of the zoo, ranging from the entrance to the Kiddy Zone LOL XD

What I liked about the trip to the zoo was the smart-trained animals. Some were super cute. I LOVE OTTERS!! Imma bring em home and make it part of my family XD. I will treat it like my brother ^^V

The trip took the whole day. From 10am - 5pm (>.<) Lucky I brought my TOWEL woooo hehehe... I find t difficult to describe the zoo outing in words. Its long really. Thanks to Wati for bringing her camera to take photos! ^_^ After the zoo outing, we went for this fish treatment thingy. I dont know what its called though.. There's these little fishies that keeps nibbling on your leg. It seems they make your legs clean. Its my first time so I caouldnt help giggling. It felt super ticklish. Tried to hold back the feeling but made retarded face in the process. (>_>)

Oh yeah, we met Jia Hao at the zoo... I made a deal that if we met Jia Hao for a number of times. I will G him lolol XD

Ooooh oooh, after the zoo thing, we went to watch Hannah Montana Movie LOL.. Kinda cool though, the dance moves are sick man.... Imba for noobs like me haha
Well here are some photos of us at the zoo, fishy place and movie place ^_^

Photos I put later Lah... Dam internet connecion Give Me Hell Sometimes....

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