Long Lost

Happy New Year People!!

Wishing you all A happy new year. Hope u have a healthy and meaningful new year ahead!.

I forgotten to write about AD. Well, the food was ok. Me and Donn took cab to get to the the Conrad. He wear like a Pimp sia...but with more style. Met Daniel, Grayson, Khabir and others at the Conrad.

We all waited for like 2 hours to go in to the events room. Most of the people sitting at table 1 are FO committee members. Ashraf and Akasha were admitted to table 1 too because table 10 did not exist! LOL I got to sit beside BATMAN!! I cnt tell you all who he is. Its a secret! XP

Prize giveaway and interaction games were the main lineup. OMG!! The ipod gift was like sooooooo WANTED man... Mostly photos were taken.... Here is some of them...

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