My Best Friends

My Best Friends.... Who Have Been Thru Thick and Thin With Me.....

Sometimes I feel animals are more understanding than humans. They know when you are sad or feeling down. My Cats cheer me up alot of times. These 2 cats have never done anything bad to me. In this world full of distrust and misunderstandings, humans can sometimes never be trusted.

Trust is something hard to obtain... I've been with my cats Mat & Minah for so long. Good thing about them is, you tell them a secret, they won't tell anyone else. It helps clears my doubts all the time. =)

I love them so much! I should spend more time with them. The reason why I changed since primary school is because of them. When they came to my life, I learned something about care and affection. This was something I didnt have last time. If Mat & Minah weren't brought to my life, I would still be that ignorant bastard with no friends.

Ever since Mat & Minah came to my life, everything changed.... My lonely and bad past has been erased. I hope I can be an even better person. These 2 cats are like considered part of my family. Just like my brother and sister. I will strive my best to be the better person I could be and will never be my past self anymore....

Love you always Mat, cherish you forever Minah... =)


My Brother... =D

Look at His Eyes!

He Want Read Book... =D

Proud Minah

Stare With Those Big Eyes.

Her Style of Sleeping...

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