
Hmm.... Trying to keep my spirits up! My course is really killing me. But I won't deter though. I feel that this course are for people with no life at all! The give us projects and assignments as if we had the whole day to do it. And also, they also put in their retarded minds the ideology that weekends are FREE and relaxing time for us. How idiotic can Chemical Engineering get?

They don't count in family day, breaks from the ever-lasting stress of the weekdays and also domestic chores that need to be done. Is Chemical Engineering existence only to remove the life out of its students. I believe so.

Can I really survive this course? The number of coremodules increase exponentially each year... I feel that if Singapore keeps this stressed course as it is, no one would be committed to chemical engineering jobs. A little stress is okay but this is a heck load of stress for god's sake...
I am seriously going down, but at least I'm going down fighting...

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