Hehe... Fun just starting...

Well, I've met new people in these holidays. From different clubs and different CCAs. Its good to get to know more people, it expands your social circle.

Lately, although there is much fun, my mind kept rolling images of... Best not to say... Well, 1st October is coming and that day will really make my mind go wild. There are some things that I do, that reminds me of her. Can I just forget what I went through? If I keep thinking of it, I'll keep blaming myself and Stupid Students' Union....

But I can't stop thinking can I? Something you held on for quite a long time was jus lost in 1 day. 16 March... Will never forget the day...

I have only myself to blame huh... At least there are some people who I talk to about this situation. I can't show the sad and regretful side of me in front of my friends. I'll always be that hyper guy in school. Things are best kept hidden inside my heart... It doesn't matter if other people read about this.

Well yesterday, I went out with Matthew, Amanda and Wati to watch the movie "The Ugly Truth". It was a dam funny movie. Everyone in the cinema was laughing... =D
Went to Heeren after that as Matt wanted to buy slippers.
When I heard "Four Skins", it reminded me of what I did. It was on that 1st October that I spent $400 at 2 shops. One of them was "Four Skins"

The fact was I didn't spend it on me. I spent it on.....
Many would be shocked at how much I spend for a single person. But I best not explain.
The past is the past, whats done is done...

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