Back from LTC... There is alot of things to write about!... Alright Let me test myself. Lets see how many names I can remember from the LTC. Alright, here goes!

Jonathan Ong aka Jong
Alvin Tay
Alvin Loo
Jin Wei

Thahira (unsure)
Stanley See
Woah... I think thats all man. My memory is kinda good! haha
Lets start with LTC Day 1!

I regrouped with my teammates. GO TEAM 4! Wakaka!
My bag was really heavy. I got the biggest bag among all the members LOL! All LTC campers had to gather at Kitchener Road. I was wondering where the hell is that place. We met the never-before-seen member. Jaslyn! Darren's group and My group boarded the same bus. The bus trip was kinda fun. Me and Darren talked alot on the bus. Darren brought his beanie. He looked super cute in the beanie XD

On the bus, I got to know Beth and Xinwei. Beth looked alot like Meiyin and talkative as Meiyin too! The spectacles and the hair is really similar to Meiyin. Xinwei is kind of a blur girl XD
I got to know Dickson too. Later on I got to know he farts alot! On the bus I really couldn't sleep. Beth and Xinwei really talked alot! Even Darren thinks the same. But Later on the bus, they fell asleep.

I had Ramly Burger and Coney Dog for Lunch. The Ramly Burger was expensive man! At the 'Restoran Jejantas' which is the Bridge Restaurant I got to know more people. More funny people! XD Finally we reached Ipoh. Mygopeng resort cannot be reached by bus. The road was too narrow and rocky. We had to transfer to a truck. The truck ride was very exciting. Everyone made so much noise...

Mygopeng is something I expected for a camp. Reminds me of Kampong seriously. Brings back memories of Kedah! Introductory games were played. That was pretty lame. The skipping rope game was much more fun. Darren did cute jumps again. I was like lughing at the way he jumped over the rope... Took a photo after that, I accidentally fell and it looked as if I did a sliding tackle from behind. Salam said "Red Card" LOL

Dinner time was somewhat normal. Well basically Day 1 wasn't the the icing on the cake. Day 2 was even greater. On to Day 2!

Day 2

The plan for Day 2 was to do Waterfall Absailing and River Rafting. Team 1 and Team 4 did Waterfall Absailing first. Here comes the Amron Madness.. Hahaha We had to walk all the way to the Absailing site. Amron hitched a ride on some stranger's motorcycle for a short distance. Everyone was like WTH...

At the site, we looked at how the instructor did Waterfall Absailing. It looked simple but when we tried it, we are really noobs. There were 2 lanes. The left lane was more tougher as more water will pound against you. I tried absailing 3 times, improving with every try. My hands really hurt while doing the absailing procedure. I gripped my left hand too tightly. It was all in good fun. After everyone had enough of trying, we had lunch and went for river rafting. The instructors had funny names. Naruto, Andy Lau, Juice and Ramli... On the same boat as me was Shawn, Ning, Alvin Tay and Patricia. Ramli took charge of us.

We were always the last to move off because he wanted us to see what happens to other boats. Salam's boat incident was really funny. The instructor wanted to capsize the boat so he asked Salam and the rest to move to one side. When they reached the rapids, Salam asked all the passengers to do 'Boom Boom' procedure wherby everyone moves to the centre of the boat. The instructor failed and was the only one who fell off from the boat LOL.. The other instructors kept disturbing him about that incident. On my boat, there was an incident whereby we moved down the rapids fast and we sort of crashed onto a rock at the right side of the river. I turned around and found Ning missing! I asked "Where is Ning?" When I looked down river, there she was in the river. Story is best told in voice Haha...

Then there was body rafting... Another fun activity! Not much cock-ups here hahaha

After these activities, we headed back for the Mygopeng resort... Everyone was super tired. We played simple games. The most fun game I enjoyed was Whacko...
In this game, Amanda protected me from being saboed... My name is too easy. Thats where I suggested my name to be Perera. Amron created a name for me. Perera Augustana... XD

Stanley wanted to sabo me by switching with Amanda. But finally I got hit... Lewis did some funny shit that time. I wanted to whack Salam, Lewis wanted to save him by saying another name but stuttered and went "Pffft.." Salam said "Who the hell is Pffft?" XD

I got to know more people through this game. I hate to say it but thanks Amron... -.-

I'm gonna try to make the story as short as possible... The water tower game was not so fun, but still its ok ah. I obtained a Fall-down buddy on this day. The floor in the kitchen was sooo slippery. I fell and hurt my ass real bad. There were only 2 people who fell down at the same place. Me and Sam.. Amron invited me to get a cold night bath. That crazy guy keeps screaming in the morning when he takes a bath. I can hear him from the bunks... =.=

Day 3

We had to move out to Gua Tempurung. Team 1 and Team 4 rode the same truck. This is where Alexia starts being crazy. She sang Ging Gang Gooli and I kana arrow to sing along. Fadhilah also another one. Join along... During the truck ride, Alexia kept greeting all that passes along. "Good Morning Grass" "Good Morning Trees" and so on and so forth. One stunning one was "Good Morning Ants". Aiyooo...

Fadhilah was one suay person. She was talking to me and facing behind so she couldnt see any leaves that were oncoming. She kept getting hit by every obstacle and started saying "F*** you Zul!". I really couldnt see and warn her... Ain't my fault... Lewis, who was behind me, couldn't stop laughing as Fadhilah kept getting hit by oncoming leaves. There were laughs throughout the truck trip. We reached Gua Tempurung soon enough. We started our hike in, as per usual Team 1 and Team 4.

Ning looked like Lara Croft when she went into the cave. Some sort of an adventurer look. He Cave Adventuring was really interesting. I love the small tunnels that we have to crawl through. After the long trip through the tunnels, it was time for lunch. I distributed Zul's Curry. I made a long queue XD Well its not my curry actually, I self declared. The fried chicken is comparable to KFC. It was great... After that nice meal, it was time to CHILLAX. Hotel Excelsior here we come!

On the bus, I smell like crap... I was patiently waiting for a nice hot bath. When we reached the hotel, we divided into our rooms. I shared a room with Darren. LOL.. You can just imagine the craziness that will happen in the room. We shouted very loud when we found out that the hotel offered ESPN channel! But there is no soccer only tennis.. Disappointing much?
I heard a knock from the next door linking to the other room. Guess who? It was Iwan and Jin Wei. This is where I got to know them better... Didn't know Iwan was also super funny. We 4 decided to prank call Wilfred. Here's what I did...
Me: Hello.
Wlfred: Hello
Me: This is Ipoh Escort Services, are you interested in getting any of our girls?
Wilfred: No
Me: Nono, we're having a promotion. Each of the girls cost about 20RM each.. Is it ok with you?
Wilfred: NO *Hangs up call*
Darren, Iwan and Jinwei started laughing. Soon this news spread to Amron, Salam and the others. Then it was shopping time. Helmi showed the way to Parkson mall. I was busy talking while walking along the side of the road. Iwan held me back from a car turning in. But, he stopped me with great force. My stomach kinda hurts.
We split into different groups. I went with Amanda, Matthew and Stanley. There was nothing much to buy. Prices are cheaper than Singapore but still its almost similar. Met with Helmi and Ning and we all decided to play bowling. The games were super cheap 9RM for 3 games. Me, Amanda, Matthew, Baoqiang, Stanley, Ning, Helmi, Shawn, Johnathan and Alvin.
Helmi is ownage seriously. Alot of funny stuff during bowling too! Trick Helmi! XD
This is where I told Ning about "Challenge the Process" and "Enable Others To Act"
I applied TLC to a total Nonsensical situation. XD
The bowling game took all the time we had at the shopping centre. It was time to meet at the Hotel lobby and go to the Night Market. When we went there, we split into Halal and Non-Halal group (O,o)
Me, Fairul, Mizwan, Helmi and Thahira went to Muslim restaurant to eat. The Kway Teow Goreng was a super huge serving. Mizwan managed to finish it but I only ate half. I forgot to pay for my Teh Tarik. Super Paiseh..
After dinner we went to this shop. Everyone spent around 30RM ++ at that shop. Me and Amanda bought carbonated grape juice. Gathering at hotel room later. Haha XD
After buying all the stuff, we headed back to the hotel. Me, amanda, Matthew and Stanley got separated from the group. Later I heard that Amron and the group were searching for us. He even shouted Perera on the streets.. =.=
There was a briefing for Team 2 for their assignment-to-come. I taught malay to Matthew to converse with the malay repairman. Later on, me and Darren went to Amanda's room for the gathering. Ryan and the others were also haivng a gathering in Iwan's room so it was crowded in our room. Matthew and Stanley met with us. I got to know Josephine and Peini here. We stayed on till 2am. Josephine was a cute girl. She looks blurr sometimes XD
She asked me to poke the blood clot on my finger.. Crazy loh! Hahaha
Peini was a more cool-looking girl... Both of them were friendly.
I had a good sleep at the Hotel. The beds were more comfortable than Mygopeng resort mattresses. @_@
Had alot of fun at Ipoh... But its time to go home the next day. Breakfast food wasn't that huge. I basically miss LTC. Lets do LTC again!! XD
There are too many photos to post. All in Facebook. Well, hope to see LTC people around school. I hope I made the story as short as possible... Cya next time!

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