
Finally, my inner self spoke.

Its been very long since I held this feeling. It seems I can love again. I'm not really sure if its right, but my feelings tell me its right. I really can't hold back my feelings for long. I'm in love again...
Hold back Zul! It might not be a good move to let it out. But... I can't help it, its my heart. What should I do bloggy? Why am I asking you... You wont even answer me, bloggy...
Alright alright... today updates.
Umm, lets see... Went for a jog in the morning with Amanda. the jog gave me a wake up call! Went to class late by 1HOUR!!
Heh... Celeste believed that my bag could turn inside out and look like a black crumpler. LOL Noob... i managed to join the class during break time! Awesome!
School was an average normal day... Went to driving after that, it was great. I drove as if I had a license! Hahahaha
Then finally, I met up with Amanda and Jason to have dinner. Jason was really funny, he kinda cheered me up on that day. Alright, I wanna go sleep.. Ciaos!

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