
Great.... 3 days of full activities....
Went to help the year 1s with banner painting and also packaging of 700 FO packages. The year 1s did work fast. I was quite impressed with the speed. Jiahao and Ronald were like machines! LOL

The painting of the banner was not successful on Friday, lack of paint was mainly the problem... guru dam funny ah trying to poke the can of paint open witha apintbrush as if it was like some box drink... XD
So we stopped and called it a day. Later at around the evening, Me, Dave, Jiahao and Benedict went to eat at MacDonalds. It was Priya's craving... wahaha
I seriously couldn't beleive we 4 talked till 9pm!! Didn't know we had alot to talk about... The MAIN topic is really funny... hehehe
Anyways, we called it a day... Saturday came!

On Saturday, I woke up late lol. Suppose to come at around 9 or 10 to help Ezzat buy paint. But anyways, I came downto help em' paint the banner. The fun part about painting the banner is the part about joking and fooling around. As usual, crap talk again... We managed to finish 1 awesome banner! The boring painting job became fun!
I was kinda disappointed because there were not much support from the year 2. The only year 2 there was me... Faiz came but he did eyepower. Hmm but at least he gave us tidbits =D

I'll lend my support as much as I can. I understand the workload of Union projects... Although union has cost me my relationship on 16th March 2009, I will continue to help them. I will not say anything about the incident. Just let me forget it... But I can never forget the date...

Tsk.. Back to the present, we finished at around 4pm+. Most of us were getting hungry. So all of us ate cup noodles... Haha! Me and Jihao planned to meet Amanda and Izzaty and their classmates to watch a theater play... It was my first time watching, so I couldnt compare. But I heard from them that its bad. But when I watched the play, I dont know why but I had things running thrugh my head and out popped my first love 5 years ago. Zaleena... I remember we shared feelings for each other.

In that time, I had no handphone or even email. The only time we had contact is during classes, Malay classes and Recess. I was in class 6A while she was in Class 6C. Our classes were facing each other and both of us sat near the door. So sometimes I'll be trying to communicate with her from that distance. It was funny, sometimes I couldn't understand what she was trying to tell me. Still remember her pure smile. Although we had feelings for each other in primary 6. I'd known her since primary 1!

In Malay classes, I sat right next to her. We will be sharing stuff and talking in class. Sometimes even the teacher gets the wrong idea. Well I can say the malay female teacher is really an irritating bugger. She really has an attitude which most people dislike... She helped me with my maths revision paper. 6C has done the revision paper, so she helped me to answer the questions. And because of that, I got 99/100 for the revision paper. There was 1 little error in units. I still remember.
I still remember the happiness I had as a primary 6 student with her around. But in the end, with no form of communication, I lost sight of her... Part of my heart is still waiting for her after all these years. My mind then went back to where I was, the "Access Denied" audience seats. The play meant nothing to me. My mind was blunt or even considered lost for that moment.

Alright alright... Not to drift away from the topic! After the play, we went to eat at BK where I learnt that Randee cant speak chinese. Wow! and Mitchell isnt happy with Megan Fox's guy's name.... Mitchell Reed Fox.. LOL
It was like 10.45pm+ after that, I had a fun day joking around and talking to new people... Well, now i'm off to help paint another banner.. I'l see you soon yea bloggy.

Still waiting... waiting for God to bring a miracle or even a coincidence...

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