
Lets start with wednesday!!

School as per usual... Me and ligeng died in GEMs... AGAIN...
Gotta give some credit to her for doing the GEMs work with more effort compared to me...
I found out that the BIZ IT Library is just like a normal study area. Didnt see any books there.

After GEMs, bumped upon my primary school friend, Ke Xin... Dont know if i spelt it correctly after all this time. But when I see her, I felt guilty... I kinda hurt her in primary school. When I was like primary 6, I sort of like to play with her. It was kind of a stupid game coming to think of it. It was like school-bound catching. If I see her I run away, if she sees me she will sort of catch me. LOL

Young children are so naive... XD She was like a ough kind of girl. But, I really felt guilty. When I was young I didn't know what was LIMIT! There was once she grab my badminton racket and I sorta swung it to hit her hand. I think I didn't hit hard.. But..

I hope I'll never be that childish anymore... Maybe if I see her again, I'll remember to apologise. But, it'll be random... She will think I'm crazy or something. My sister and her sister are good friends. While me and Ke Xin, werent so friendly to each other last time. Ke Yin and Ke Xin, these 2 sisters who seem different in attitude. How I wish I could have been a better person when I was younger...
Alright, back to the present... my mind drifted alittle. After that, it was Rahul Dave a.k.a Priya... I'll get to his nickname later. Rahul's expression in the meeting is funny. Ronald also spoil the seriousness with his sudden humour.. "Eh we go publicise using Yahoo lah or the Strait Times" LOL he random huh...
Anyways, after that, it was like 7pm around there. Me, Tze Huan, Jiahao, Rahul, Ronald, Leon and Christie went to eat dinner at the "Beef House". About 4 of us ate beef noodle. I introduced to them... They kinda liked it Gyeah!! Power! That's when Rahul started talking about chaning his name to Pereira... I told him it sounded like Priya. Thats when everyone called him that...
One thing that spells Priya for his name is his frequent topics on Robert Pattinson... The twilight guy. =D

There were laughs here and there. Still waiting for Leon to upload the photo that we took at the "Beef House".
TO thursday!!
Thursday was another normal school day. Main thing for the day was the serious Poly 50 training we had. Yangsu came for a training finally LOL... Faiz as usual brought his crap talk out. Example of his crap.
Me and Benedict were disturbing Amanda. Amanda complain to Faiz "They bully me..."
Faiz said "Eh why you bully my daughter?...."
Amanda was like smiling because she thought he was defending her..
Then Faiz added "Never invite me..."

LOL, Dam ass luh he...
Christie was trying to find a way to disturb me because she wants to get back at me for disturbing her.
Christie said "If you all find a way to disturb Zul tell me ah"
For the training, a guy had to play the girl part in running. Faiz nominated me LOL

Faiz suddenly sang a different version of the Beyonce Song... "If I were a girl.... I would name myself Zul"

Idiotic =.=
Finally, Izzaty showed her true colours in blurness. Left hand and right hand mixed up...

There were many more fun stuff to do! Went to Queensway after that... It was like 8pm already. I agreed to go because it was near my house. Benedict also agreed to go because of the same reason. We went there to buy the Poly 50 outfits... Divide into teams of 2 to scout for sleeveless jerseys. Me and Arrifin went scouting... All were like EX luh.. the prices were like 40+ a piece! X,X

Tze Huan finally called a better supplier... Finally the problem os jerseys were settled. We went to KFC at Anchorpoint to eat after that. Arrifin and Faidzal were crapping lol!! I joined them for fun.

Thursday was a fun day... Went home and fainted to sleep straight. Dam tired woooo....
Alright, I'm going back to my work now... Looking forward to Friday! Going to Canvas! With Amanda, Izzaty and Jiahao! Should be fun!

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